Main Sponsor
140+ Mac apps in just one.
Curated membership for $9.99/mo.
Curated membership for $9.99/mo.
For Developers
- Be the maker, not the marketer.
- Get recurring revenue without updates.
- Reach a huge new audience without ads.
For Consumers
- A highly curated app collection that keeps growing.
- No ads, in-app purchases or paid updates.
- Share with devices, family, and friends.
Principal Sponsors
Sketch is the definitive platform for digital design. With an intuitive vector editor, lightning fast prototyping, powerful collaboration tools and hundreds of plugins, it has everything you need to turn your ideas into incredible products.
Every day, over one million designers — from freelancers, to some of the world’s largest companies — use Sketch to design, prototype, collaborate and create their best work.
Try Sketch today with a free, 30-day trial at
Paddle is the platform for all macOS developers to run and grow their businesses so they can focus on building, not billing. Over 1,000 developers and software companies such as Macpaw, Realmac, Bjango, Framer and Rogue Amoeba trust our all-in-one platform to handle their checkout, subscription billing, licensing and sales taxes.
Major Sponsors
We’re the team behind Things, the award-winning to-do app for managing your life. With our love for design and steadfast commitment to simplicity, we’re focused on making the best productivity software in the world.
The easiest way to share your virtual business card! Simply have another user point their camera at the QR code for any of your different identities. We’re committed to simple, fast, and secure contact exchange with complete privacy.